Pain masterclass…
Pain Mastery: Person centred functional, holistic medicine releases symptoms of pain by tapping into the body’s own innate healing method...
My holistic wellbeing clinic
Apologies it's been so long. Life had been a whirlwind. I just wanted to let you know about my holistic wellbeing clinics that I'm...
Natural, cheap, non toxic home fragrance solutions.
Making your own natural pot pourri costs pennies and is much nicer and healthier to breathe in. Just gather up some leaves, dried fruit,...
World health hero's ~ Join, apply or refer someone you think could do with our support.
I am a proud member of The World Health Heroes. I am delighted to tell you that the clinic service is now up and running as from today....
Workshops and latest news
I now have a news page which tells you of latest news and workshops. So far I have added my exciting news about the ‘From Nature to...
Endometriosis ~ natural pain relief.
I've had a few people ask about this again recently so I thought I'd put a post up about it. What is endometriosis: Endometriosis is when...
M.E etc..and natural wellness buddies
I just wanted to share with you some of the remedies, therapies and resources I used to facilitate my recovery from M.E, fibromyalgia,...
Butterflybees bath bombs fizzing action!
My rose and geranium bath bombs fizz for over 3 mins and 35 seconds, they are very good at balancing hormones, calming and leaving your...