Codependency Vs Interdependency…
Codependency Vs Interdependency It’s a wonderful feeling to be valued and appreciated, but relying on the validation of others to fill up...

Relationships healthy behaviour vs toxic…
Twisted love has been made to look normal by people who have often been unaware they have abusive or controlling ancestral core wounds....

Never assume anything and always question everything...
I live my life according to this mantra not just personally but professionally too. Can you imaging how damaging it could be if we...

Organic produce is it really so important?
Budgeting well with your recipes and foods, combined with being savvy about where you shop can allow you to buy more organic produce......

Forgiveness is a conscious, deliberate decision to release feelings of resentment or vengeance toward a person or group who has harmed...

Fish ~ Low mercury and sustainable versions *UPDATE*
I love my fish, and as with most things in life also love variety. There is a lot of controversy about how healthy it is to eat these...

Human needs and human rights.
These are issues that regularly come up with people and often people are not aware of these needs especially when they haven’t been...

Light warrior
What else can I say...Kyle Gray...Another one of my favourite people.

Self love 💕
On this lovely day of valentines I just wanted to share a snippet of ‘self love’ with you. It’s around the theme of ‘leaping afraid’ as...

Freedom ~ The power or right to act, speak, or think as one wants. How much of your world is controlled by others...the systems...your...