Manifestation Magic…
♥️🔥Another Quantum leap day🔥♥️ What a powerful manifestation portal day today 22/11/22! Manifesting what we want in our life is to ‘be’...
Suicide awareness...
Most of us have been connected to someone who has either experienced the devastating loss of a loved one who has taken their own life,...
Relationships healthy behaviour vs toxic…
Twisted love has been made to look normal by people who have often been unaware they have abusive or controlling ancestral core wounds....
Special moments
Things are changing...On Saturday whilst sat on the freezing cold pavement across from Stewart who is homeless, having our chat, three...
Food 5-15 mins from preparation to plate (Part one).
I often come across people who use pre~packed processed foods because they believe they don't have time to cook. On delving deeper...
When the drugs don't work
There's no denying medication can be a life saver, but often drugs can become over used. In acute phases I had to resort to them myself,...
Severe M.E and what it was like for me
Above is a photo of when I started becoming ill again and unable to stand the curtains being opened as my brain was unable to stand the...
M.E and pacing
Pacing yourself may be one of the things you find the hardest with your M.E, CFS and or fibromyalgia. You may believe you continually try...
Boundaries and respect
Boundaries are guidelines, rules or limits that a person creates to identify reasonable, safe and permissible ways for other people to...
World Health Hero's *update*
I am now a member of the wonderful world health hero’s team, and coordinator for the Dundee Angus area. It's so exciting ~ Can’t wait to...