GALentines LOVE event…
The Flourishing Well therapy centre at Ecclesgreig Holiday Park DD10 0DE is delighted to offer another delicious mini retreat with Lorna...

Codependency Vs Interdependency…
Codependency Vs Interdependency It’s a wonderful feeling to be valued and appreciated, but relying on the validation of others to fill up...

Suicide awareness...
Most of us have been connected to someone who has either experienced the devastating loss of a loved one who has taken their own life,...

Relationships healthy behaviour vs toxic…
Twisted love has been made to look normal by people who have often been unaware they have abusive or controlling ancestral core wounds....

Never assume anything and always question everything...
I live my life according to this mantra not just personally but professionally too. Can you imaging how damaging it could be if we...

Singing and recording music💜💜💜
Another block released and mega hurdle overcome. I love to sing but previous violent, life threatening behaviour surrounding music had...

Unconditional love
When you are born it seems like a birth right, paramount even, that your parents and even your extended family would be the ones to teach...

The lucky ones!
Wow how powerful music is, and love too, combine them and you have pure magic! I just watched this absolutely amazing father and son play...

What are you scared of?
What are your afraid of? Are you sacred of the dark? Are you scared of spiders? Do you have a fear of crowds? Scared of heights? Fearful...

Quotes that soothe hearts and lift souls.
“I am honouring my feelings, my authenticity, my human rights, needs and my beliefs.” Lorna Cameron "Listen to the wind it talks. Listen...