Pain masterclass…
Pain Mastery: Person centred functional, holistic medicine releases symptoms of pain by tapping into the body’s own innate healing method...
Prawns Parma ham and spinach~five minute meal made from leftovers.
It’s been a beautiful and busy weekend so just grabbed some leftovers from the fridge and quickly fried them in coconut oil. The whole...
Severe M.E and what it was like for me
Above is a photo of when I started becoming ill again and unable to stand the curtains being opened as my brain was unable to stand the...
Understanding compassion and empathy and the impact it has on wellbeing.
What is compassion? The dictionary says - Compassion is the sympathetic pity and concern for the sufferings or misfortunes of others. How...
Cray fish with avocado and oven roasted vegetables.
Ingredients: Serves two: Takes 10 mins to prep and 25 mins to cook... 200g Cray fish Mandarin orange Lime Two tablespoons of fresh mint...
World Health Hero's *update*
I am now a member of the wonderful world health hero’s team, and coordinator for the Dundee Angus area. It's so exciting ~ Can’t wait to...
Don’t you think kindness is one of the greatest gifts you can give or receive. I find it sad sometimes when people say they are too busy...
From prison to freedom!
Someone asked me one day what it felt like to be bed bound for all those years and then go back out into the real world. Â 'Go Back into...
M.E and my near death experiences
In a previous post I have written a little bit about my M.E, and have also done a bit in the 'about me' section of my website. The...