Art therapy
Art was one of the therapies I used to aid my healing. Art is a wonderful way to help express yourself, exploring your emotions is the...
Severe M.E and what it was like for me
Above is a photo of when I started becoming ill again and unable to stand the curtains being opened as my brain was unable to stand the...
Mood enhancing meal and snack ideas
When you are feeling low your diet and exercise (at the appropriate pacing level for the stage of your illness)Â and some spiritual...
Healing emotional wounds
First of I'd like to say that we can all at some point feel the prickly spikes of our annoyance or even full blown rage when M.E and...
Understanding compassion and empathy and the impact it has on wellbeing.
What is compassion? The dictionary says - Compassion is the sympathetic pity and concern for the sufferings or misfortunes of others. How...