Pain masterclass…
Pain Mastery: Person centred functional, holistic medicine releases symptoms of pain by tapping into the body’s own innate healing method...
Manifestation Magic…
♥️🔥Another Quantum leap day🔥♥️ What a powerful manifestation portal day today 22/11/22! Manifesting what we want in our life is to ‘be’...
Codependency Vs Interdependency…
Codependency Vs Interdependency It’s a wonderful feeling to be valued and appreciated, but relying on the validation of others to fill up...
Authenticity and healing…
AUTHENTICITY - Having an amazing relationship with ourselves first, masculine and feminine is key to MASTERY of WHOLE self. Diving deep...
Relationships healthy behaviour vs toxic…
Twisted love has been made to look normal by people who have often been unaware they have abusive or controlling ancestral core wounds....
The Flourishing Well
The Flourishing Well... I’m jumping with joy. The constituted community group I founded ‘The Flourishing Well' is now a registered...
Singing and recording music💜💜💜
Another block released and mega hurdle overcome. I love to sing but previous violent, life threatening behaviour surrounding music had...
Justice will be done and the laws of the Universe.
This post has been prompted by a subject that most people find hard to talk about. Especially the men I've listened to and supported,...
What are you scared of?
What are your afraid of? Are you sacred of the dark? Are you scared of spiders? Do you have a fear of crowds? Scared of heights? Fearful...
One of the best teachers ever says make the most of every minute and he sure did!
Today I felt a similar feeling to the day that Robin Williams passed over, as another one of the bravest, most unique individuals Stephen...