Chocolate without processed sugar.
Not only is processed sugar inflammatory and addictive, but the body doesn't process it well. When I had adrenal dysfunction if I had any...
Thai green prawn curry with black rice
Black rice is more nutrient dense than brown or red rice. It is rich in fibre and packed full of antioxidants, phytonutrients, vitamin E,...
Herbs and their fabulous health benefits
Here are the lovely herbs I buy each week. I have the beach on my doorstep at this time of my life instead of my lovely garden and...
Food 5-15 mins from preparation to plate (Part one).
I often come across people who use pre~packed processed foods because they believe they don't have time to cook. On delving deeper...
Paprika prawns, spinach and melon salad
Lots of lovely rainbow foods and nourishing ingredients in this one to help you feel bright and full of energy... plenty of antioxidants...
Rainbow sauerkraut recipe
Cultured and fermented foods contain probiotics that replace the good bacteria in our gut. These microbes must continually strengthen...
Chocolate maple and pecan brownies with chocolate frosting.
Delicious gluten free and processed sugar free superfood recipes.
Welcome to Butterflybees New Website!
Hello and welcome to my new website and blog. The focus of this blog will be happiness, wellbeing, fulfilment and encouraging growth to...