Stress and anxiety masterclass
Stress and anxiety mastery… My first master class of the year only costs only £44 for three hours and provides practical tips, potent...
Authenticity and healing…
AUTHENTICITY - Having an amazing relationship with ourselves first, masculine and feminine is key to MASTERY of WHOLE self. Diving deep...
Relationships healthy behaviour vs toxic…
Twisted love has been made to look normal by people who have often been unaware they have abusive or controlling ancestral core wounds....
Stress relief - Mindfulness
Mindfulness is focusing our attention on the gentle flow of our breathing while being aware of our senses in the present moment… What are...
Immune Boosting Ideas
As a holistic health practitioner, I look at the whole person, their diet, lifestyle, relationships and environment. I empower clients in...
My holistic wellbeing clinic
Apologies it's been so long. Life had been a whirlwind. I just wanted to let you know about my holistic wellbeing clinics that I'm...
Moroccan Lamb (Veggie option too)!
My version of Moroccan lamb, no chillies in this one, especially for those who come to dinner but prefer warmth spice but don't like it...
Water why is it so important for our health and wellbeing.
When I suggested that someone drink more water to help them with some problems they had, their response was "WHAT I CANNEA DRINK THAT...
Progress and gratitude.
Learning to be grateful with tiny little morsels of progress no matter how small they seemed at the time, was what helped me to recover...
Beach Clean ~ Marine protection.
Please help raise awareness, to protect our marine life, and also so our children, animals and ourselves can live in a healthier cleaner env