Manifestation Magic…
♥️🔥Another Quantum leap day🔥♥️ What a powerful manifestation portal day today 22/11/22! Manifesting what we want in our life is to ‘be’...

Naturopathy...The law of cure compared to the suppression of disease...
The body has amazing innate healing mechanisms. All we need to do is remove everything that’s getting in the way of that happening… Toxic...

Water why is it so important for our health and wellbeing.
When I suggested that someone drink more water to help them with some problems they had, their response was "WHAT I CANNEA DRINK THAT...

Special offer on therapies...
Hi there just to let you know that as from September I will be at House of therapies 125 High Street Arbroath once a week on a Wednesday,...

My videos for world health hero's.
Below are three of the videos the fabulous Owen and Carla Jo recorded of my journey so far, for world health hero's. The first is in the...

Progress and gratitude.
Learning to be grateful with tiny little morsels of progress no matter how small they seemed at the time, was what helped me to recover...

Butterflybees from nature to nurture workshops in Edinburgh and Arbroath.
Butterflybees from nature to nurture wellbeing workshops. Learn how to make your own organic ‘from nature to nurture' therapeutic...

Natural, cheap, non toxic home fragrance solutions.
Making your own natural pot pourri costs pennies and is much nicer and healthier to breathe in. Just gather up some leaves, dried fruit,...

Illness ~ Angels ~ Support
I remember when the medical establishment first told me I had M.E. The only treatments available in 1999 was drugs with many side...

Homemade recycled paper for my new help the butterflies and bees labels!
Exciting times everyone, as all the old paper I got from the old office shreds gets turned into fab labels that have been impregnated...