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Christmas love...Homeless...kindness💕

This year was the first time since 2009 I’ve been able to go Christmas shopping by myself. Shopping is not really my thing at any time of year to be honest. I’m not saying that I don’t like buying nice things, I most definitely do! But I tend to go into a shop, scan around as quick as a flash, spy what I want relatively quickly then make a swift exit. Paying for it first of course 😊

I had a lovely experience whilst weaving in and out the mayhem, rudeness and aggression. First of all I went round all the homeless people with presents. I spoke with and listened to Angie, Jason, James and Petra today...there were hugs and such overwhelming gratitude for the small presents. And I made sure I left some of the print outs I’d made up of places they can all go to get a hot meal every day from December 22nd until January 5th. None of them knew about this. I also passed on the rough sleeping teams phone number for the area so they can get a bed for the night past homeless people...If you're in Glasgow & see someone sleeping rough, call this number:08000277466 (@SimonCommScot). Or alternatively help the person get to 35 East Campbell Street, G1 5DT and they'll get a bed. If you see someone sleeping rough anywhere please call the rough sleeper team on 0800 970 2304 (England) 07999872928 (Dundee). * Update * These phone numbers have also been given to Will, Darren, Mike, Dionne, Anne Marie, Bev, Mikey and Chris. So that’s now 13 people I’ve spoken with so far in Dundee, Arbroath and Edinburgh that haven’t had anywhere safe, warm and comfortable to rest their wearied bodies, despite all the services and asssistance that should be supporting their health and well-being. Hopefully if other people do this kind of thing too there will be a shift in perspective ‘all round’ and thereafter the lynchpin of support these vulnerable brothers and sisters of ours desperately need, will give them some comfort, reassurance and eventually feelings of safety and security. 

I’ve been classed as homeless twice in my life and although I was fortunate enough to not actually end up on the streets, I know about some of what they are feeling. Knowing that someone cares can make such a difference to someone who has lost hope. 

Thereafter I went into a massive craft tent and was treated like a VIP by the lady who organises it. She took me on a guided tour and told me various stories about each and every one of the stall holders. Some were supporting their Kenyan parents of 100 and 104 years old, some were supporting people who have aids with their work, there were interesting stories of craft techniques, family values, ethics and morals! So guess where I did a lot of my Christmas shopping. 😊 In the place I felt most at home in. A heart based treasure full of passion, authenticity, peace and uniqueness! 🎄☃️🎄☃️ All topped off with an afternoon nap and visit to the panto...Oh yes I did! 😃

Love blessings and may all your dreams come true 💜

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